El teatro después de Sófocles
Evaluación Tema 1
A Señalá la opción correcta (3 p. )
1. Algunas características del teatro isabelino son:
( ) La ambivalencia de los personajes , las reflexiones sobre la legitimidad del rey, la ruptura de la regla de lastres unidades y el cuidado formal del parlamento de los personajes. ( ) La ambivalencia de los personajes,la introspección de los personajes, la ausencia de escenografía y las reflexiones sobre la legitimidad del rey.( ) La libertad formal en lo creativo, la mezcla de géneros y el uso del monólogo.( ) Todas son correctas. ( )Ninguna es correcta.
2. El teatro renacentista desarrolló formas teatrales de los siguientes tipos:
( ) Fue culto o popular ( )Fue culto y popular ( ) Fue religioso, culto y popular ( ) Ninguna es correcta ( ) Todas son correctas.
3. Hamlet es:
( ) La historia real del rey de Escocia del siglo XI ( ) La historia real del rey de Noruega ( ) La historia real del rey de Dinamarca ( ) Ninguna es correcta ( ) Todas son correctas
B) Estas afirmaciones son falsas. Fundamentá ( 3 )
El teatro del siglo XVIII postula la libertad creativa absoluta
El teatro del siglo XX o teatro del absurdo plantea el tema de la incomunicación
El teatro naturalista sigue la regla de las tres unidades y muestra a los sectores marginales de la sociedad.
C) Ordená secuencias teniendo en cuenta el tiempo de la historia ( 4 )
Hamlet esconde el cadáver de Polonio
Bernardo y Marcelo ven la sombra del rey muerto
Polonio sostiene que Hamlet sufre por el amor de Ofelia.
La reina bebe el veneno
Se pone en escena “ La ratonera”
Se descubre el cuerpo de Ofelia
El rey convence a Laertes para que pelee contra Hamlet
Hamlet trata groseramente a Ofelia
Part 2 parte 2
El teatro después de Sófocles Tema 2
1. Señalá la opción correcta (3p)
1.1 Las tres unidades son propias : a) del teatro isabelino b) del teatro moderno c) del teatro latino d) Ninguna es correcta e) Todas son correctas.
1.2 Son características del teatro de Shakespeare: a) la libertad formal y la reflexión de los personajes sobre temas de la época b) la libertad formal y la separación estricta de géneros y estilos c) la libertad formal y la relación de patronazgo d) Ninguna es correcta e) Todas son correctas.
1.3 Para los autores románticos, el teatro se usó como instrumento de: a) cambio social b) análisis de la realidad social c) análisis de las inquietudes de los hombres de la época d) Ninguna es correcta e) Todas son correctas.
B . Estas proposiciones son falsas. Justificá. ( 2,50p)
* Las convenciones generales del teatro se refieren a un espectáculo dado y sólo se las entiende en relación con él.
* El teatro del siglo XX o teatro del absurdo plantea el tema de la incomunicación
* El naturalismo utiliza el teatro como instrumento de denuncia de los males de la sociedad.
* En el siglo XVII, el teatro de raíces clásicas, tiene finalidad didáctica.
* En el teatro del siglo XX la obras entretienen al público y lo instruyen sobre los valores morales.
3. Ordená secuencias, siguiendo el hilo de la historia (4,50p.)
Hamlet esconde el cadáver de Polonio
Bernardo y Marcelo ven la sombra del rey muerto
Polonio sostiene que Hamlet sufre por el amor de Ofelia.
La reina bebe el veneno
Se pone en escena “ La ratonera”
Se descubre el cuerpo de Ofelia
El rey convence a Laertes para que pelee contra Hamlet
Hamlet trata groseramente a Ofelia
Hamlet va al cementerio
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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Evaluación de “1984” de George Orwell
Evaluación de “1984” de George Orwell
A Completá los espacios en blanco con la información faltante: ( 5 p)
La novela comienza en el mes de abril, cuando Winston Smith llega a su departamento. Allí vive la familia Parsons , cuyo padre trabaja, como el protagonista, en el Ministerio de la Verdad.
Los otros tres ministerios eran: el Ministerio de la Paz, que se ocupaba de la guerra; el Ministerio del Amor, que se hacía cargo de mantener el orden y la legalidad y el de la Abundancia, que se hacía cargo de los asuntos económicos.
En Neohabla, los ministerios se denominaban Miniver, Minipax, Miniamor y Miniabunda.
La historia se desarrolla en Londres, que es la capital de la Pista de aterrizaje Uno y la tercera ciudad de las provincias de Oceanía debido a su población. Allí, el protagonista, decide empezar a escribir un diario íntimo, pero debe hacerlo a escondidas, porque de ser sorprendido, sería condenado a veinticinco años de trabajos forzados en un campo de concentración o a la pena capital.
B Ordená secuencias ateniéndote al hilo de la historia : ( 5p)
Syme cuenta a Winston sobre la undécima edición del diccionario de Neohabla.
El protagonista cuenta a Julia que ha soñado el episodio en que pedía más ración a su madre.
Desaparece el padre del protagonista.
El protagonista y su esposa deciden separarse
El protagonista descubre que la verdad se tergiversa
El protagonista ve a Rutherford, Jones y Aaronson en un café
O’ Brien tortura al protagonista para que admita que Oceanía está en guerra con Estasia.
Julia y el protagonista se encuentran en el campo por primera vez.
A Completá los espacios en blanco con la información faltante: ( 5 p)
La novela comienza en el mes de abril, cuando Winston Smith llega a su departamento. Allí vive la familia Parsons , cuyo padre trabaja, como el protagonista, en el Ministerio de la Verdad.
Los otros tres ministerios eran: el Ministerio de la Paz, que se ocupaba de la guerra; el Ministerio del Amor, que se hacía cargo de mantener el orden y la legalidad y el de la Abundancia, que se hacía cargo de los asuntos económicos.
En Neohabla, los ministerios se denominaban Miniver, Minipax, Miniamor y Miniabunda.
La historia se desarrolla en Londres, que es la capital de la Pista de aterrizaje Uno y la tercera ciudad de las provincias de Oceanía debido a su población. Allí, el protagonista, decide empezar a escribir un diario íntimo, pero debe hacerlo a escondidas, porque de ser sorprendido, sería condenado a veinticinco años de trabajos forzados en un campo de concentración o a la pena capital.
B Ordená secuencias ateniéndote al hilo de la historia : ( 5p)
Syme cuenta a Winston sobre la undécima edición del diccionario de Neohabla.
El protagonista cuenta a Julia que ha soñado el episodio en que pedía más ración a su madre.
Desaparece el padre del protagonista.
El protagonista y su esposa deciden separarse
El protagonista descubre que la verdad se tergiversa
El protagonista ve a Rutherford, Jones y Aaronson en un café
O’ Brien tortura al protagonista para que admita que Oceanía está en guerra con Estasia.
Julia y el protagonista se encuentran en el campo por primera vez.
George Orwell,
Friday, September 11, 2009
Melody of the Millionaire Slumdog analysis
Melody of the Millionaire Slumdog analysis
Slumdog Millionaire is a trailblazer of sorts, scooping up awards in every felicitation of motion pictures this year. The movie opened its account at the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, continued its victory run through the BAFTA and the SAG Awards and is now poised to win Oscars too.
Much has been written about the movie’s brilliant screenplay, its exquisite cinematography, the superb casting and the endearing performances of the children.
There has been a lot of controversy too, about the theme of the movie - with a section of Indians feeling that the movie showcases Mumbai’s slums in a stereotyped fashion, for a Western audience.
But there is one aspect of this exceptional movie that has been appreciated globally and unanimously and that is its music. The composer AR Rehman has created magic in his melodies.
Deservedly, he picked up the Golden Globe award for Best Original Score for the beautiful and riveting tunes that helped make the movie reign the box office for several weeks.
AR Rehman won the Oscars yet again. He was awarded the black statuette for best original score for the movie and for the song, Jay Ho.
The background score of Slumdog Millionaire ably matches the pulsating tempo of the rags to riches story, permeating each frame with the melody of the mood depicted. The songs too are beautifully composed.
You just have to listen to the joyful and energetic melody of Jaya Ho to get to know AR Rehman’s potential. This musician first captured the heart of Indians in the early 90s whne he created the music for the movie “Roja”. Since then, his every album has been popular, beautiful and unique.
This young musician has consistently created superlative music, never disappointing his millions of fans. It does not matter which CD of Rehman’s you pick up, because every one is an enchanting musical feast, from start to finish.
End of Melody of the Millionaire Slumdog analysis
leave comments below for this analysis
Much has been written about the movie’s brilliant screenplay, its exquisite cinematography, the superb casting and the endearing performances of the children.
There has been a lot of controversy too, about the theme of the movie - with a section of Indians feeling that the movie showcases Mumbai’s slums in a stereotyped fashion, for a Western audience.
But there is one aspect of this exceptional movie that has been appreciated globally and unanimously and that is its music. The composer AR Rehman has created magic in his melodies.
Deservedly, he picked up the Golden Globe award for Best Original Score for the beautiful and riveting tunes that helped make the movie reign the box office for several weeks.
AR Rehman won the Oscars yet again. He was awarded the black statuette for best original score for the movie and for the song, Jay Ho.
The background score of Slumdog Millionaire ably matches the pulsating tempo of the rags to riches story, permeating each frame with the melody of the mood depicted. The songs too are beautifully composed.
You just have to listen to the joyful and energetic melody of Jaya Ho to get to know AR Rehman’s potential. This musician first captured the heart of Indians in the early 90s whne he created the music for the movie “Roja”. Since then, his every album has been popular, beautiful and unique.
This young musician has consistently created superlative music, never disappointing his millions of fans. It does not matter which CD of Rehman’s you pick up, because every one is an enchanting musical feast, from start to finish.
End of Melody of the Millionaire Slumdog analysis
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basic whole number tutorial
Basic Whole number tutorial
Modul pengajaran dan pembelajaran
Mathematics form 1
Subject : Mathematics Form 1
Learning Objective : Whole Number
Learning Outcomes :
1. Read and write whole numbers.
2. Understand the place value and the value of digits.
3. Round off a whole numbers.
4. Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers.
5. Perform computations of combined operations including the use of brackets.
6. Solve problems involving whole numbers.
1.1 Whole Numbers
Definition : Whole numbers are any number made from the ten digits numbering system of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Write the following numbers in words.
1. 97 = ninety - seven
2. 342 = three hundred and forty - two
3. 1 512 = one thousand five hundred and twelve
4. 70 678 = seventy thousand six hundred and seventy - eight
5. 200 924 = two hundred thousand nine hundred and twenty - four
Write the following numbers in figures.
1. fifty - nine = 59
2. seven hundred and ten = 710
3. eight thousand six hundred and fourteen = 8 614
4. eleven thousand three hundred and twenty - five = 11 325
5. four hundred and sixty – one thousand three hundred and ninety - two= 461 392
State the place value and the value of underlined digit
1. 9 056 place value = thousands value of digit = 9 000
2. 236 890 place value = ten thousands value of digit = 30 000
3. 47 802 place value = hundreds value of digit = 800
4. 1 279 603 place value = millions value of digit = 1 000 000
Rounding off whole numbers
- If the digit to the right of the rounded off number is
a) less than 5, retain the digit, replace all the right digits with zero
b) 5 or greater than 5, add 1 to the digit, replace the right digits with zero
1. Round off 6 572 to the nearest
a) tens = 6 572 = 6 570
b) hundreds = 6 572 = 6 600
c) thousands = 6 572 = 7 000
2. Round off the followings to the correct place values
1.2 Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Addition of whole numbers
- The process of finding the total of numbers.
- Keywords – sum, add, plus, total
- Symbol “ + ”
Find the sum of the followings
1. 147 + 297 = 444
2. 1 530 + 197 = 1 727
3. 67 915 + 206 + 38 = 68 159
4. 46 275 + 396 486 + 5 873 = 448 634
5. 17 308 + 891 + 45 + 176 401 = 194 645
Problem solving involving addition of whole numbers
1. Last Christmas, Mary Anne received RM 125 from her father, RM 87 from her mother and RM 62 from her sister. Find the total amount of money she received.
RM (125 + 87 + 62 ) = RM 274
Therefore the total amount of money Mary Anne received is RM 274
2. The table shows Ali’s marks for Maths test for Feb, March and April. What are his total marks for the three months?
89 + 64 + 97 = 250
Therefore the total marks for the three months are 250 marks
3. In a Maths quiz, Abu scores 85 points, Kumar scores 7 points more than Abu and Suzy gets 6 points less than Kumar. Find the total scores they get?
Abu = 85 points
Kumar = 85 + 7 = 92 points
Suzy = 92 – 6 = 86 points
85 + 92 + 86 = 236 points
Therefore the total scores they get is 236 points
Subtraction of whole numbers
- The process of finding difference between two numbers.
- Keywords – difference, minus, subtract
- Symbol “ - ”
Do the following subtraction.
1. 978 - 253 = 725
2. 4 130 – 1 572 = 2 558
3. 793 - 89 = 704
4. 132 012 – 6 718 – 56 137 = 125 294 – 56 137 = 69 157
5. 9 352 – 7 001 – 999 = 2 351 – 999 = 1 352
Problem solving involving subtraction of whole numbers
1. There are 2 957 students in SMK Berjaya and 1 379 of them are girls. Find the number of boys.
2 957 – 1 379 = 1 578
Therefore the number of boys in SMK Berjaya is 1 578 students
2. Mr. Tiong donated RM 121 365 to a school. The school used RM 76 450 to buy 20 computers. How much money is left?
RM ( 121 365 – 76 450) = RM 44 915
Therefore the money left is RM 44 915
3. There were 32 408 exercise books in the school bookshop in the beginning of the year. At the end of year only 3 729 books were unsold. Find the number of exercise books which were sold during the year.
32 408 – 3 729 = 28 679
Therefore the number of exercise books sold during the year were 28 679 books.
1.3 Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
Multiplication of whole numbers
- The process of repeated addition.
- Keywords – multiply, times, product
- Symbol “ × ”
Find the product of the followings.
1. 147 × 23 = 3 381
2. 69 × 82 = 5 658
3. 336 × 8 × 125 = 2 688 × 125 = 336 000
4. 72 × 11 × 49 = 792 x 49 = 38 808
Problem solving involving multiplication of whole numbers
1. Jamie can type 42 words in 1 minute. How many words can she type in 38 minutes?.
42 words x 38 minutes = 1 596 words
Therefore Jamie can type 1 596 words in 38 minutes.
2. Amy’s salary for a month is RM 1 355 and Muthu’s salary is 4 times more than Amy. Calculate Muthu’s salary.
RM 1 355 x 4 = RM 5 420
Therefore Muthu’s salary is RM 5 420
3. A basket contains 37 durians. Pak Mat bought 15 baskets of durians. If each durian costs RM 2, find the total cost of his purchase.
37 durians x 15 baskets X RM 2 = 555 x RM 2 = RM 1 110
Therefore the total cost of Pak M
at’s purchase is RM 1 110
Division of whole numbers
- The process of putting things into equal groups.
Keywords – divide, quotient
Do the followings divisions.
1. 2 292 ÷ 4 = 573
2. 986 ÷ 6 = 164 remainder 2
3. 3 868 ÷ 14 = 276 remainder 4
4. 11 648 ÷ 56 = 208
5. 10 076 ÷ 25 = 403 remainder 1
Problem solving involving division of whole numbers
1. 672 sweets are shared equally among 42 students. How many sweet does each student get?
672 ÷ 42 = 16 sweets
Therefore each student will get 16 sweets.
2. The donation of RM 21 100 is divided among 20 flood victims. How much money does each flood victims will get.
RM 21 100 ÷ 20 = RM 1 055
Therefore each flood victim will get RM 1 055
3. Mak Siti fried 650 pieces of pisang goring and puts 12 pieces of pisang goreng into each plastic bag.
a) How many plastic bag did she used?
b) How many pieces of pisang goring were left?
650 ÷ 12 = 54 remainder 2
Therefore a) Mak Siti used 54 pieces of plastic bags
b) There were 2 pieces of pisang goring left.
1.4 Combined Operations of Whole Numbers
- Involving more than one operation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and the use of brackets.
Tips a) BODMAS Rule - B Bracket ( )
D Division ÷
M Multiplication x
A Addition +
S Subtraction -
b) for operation x and ÷, operation + and - , do from left to right
Calculate the followings
1. 572 + 200 – 99 = 772 – 99
= 673
2. 8 852 – 3 214 + 731 = 5638 + 731
= 6 369
3. 36 x 8 ÷ 4 = 288 ÷ 4
= 72
4. 119 ÷ 7 x 16 = 17 x 16
= 272
5. 83 + ( 12 – 7 ) x 5 = 83 + 5 x 5
= 83 + 25
= 108
6. 172 – 92 ÷ 4 + 36 = 172 – 23 + 36
= 149 + 36
= 185
7. 4 ( 72 – 28 ) + 253 = 4 ( 44 ) + 253
= 176 + 253
= 429
8. 136 + 64 ÷ 4 ( 9 – 7 ) = 136 + 64 ÷ 4 ( 2 )
= 136 + 64 ÷ 8
= 136 + 8
= 144
9. ( 40 + 56 ) x 3 ÷ ( 4 + 12 ) = 96 x 3 ÷ 16
= 288 ÷ 16
= 18
Problem solving involving combined operations of whole numbers
1. The bus fare from Bintulu to Sibu is RM 32 for an adult and RM 18 for a child. A family consist of 3 adults and 5 children wish to travel to Bintulu to Sibu by bus. Calculate the total fare paid by the family.
( RM 32 x 3 adults) + ( RM 18 x 5 children )
= RM 96 + RM 90
= RM 186
Therefore the total fare paid by the family is RM 186
2. Mr. Chua bought 16 story books and 19 colouring books for RM 242. If each story book costs RM 8, find the cost of one colouring book.
( RM 242 – 16 x RM 8 ) ÷ 19
= ( RM 242 – RM 128 ) ÷ 19
= RM 114 ÷ 19
= RM 6
Therefore the cost of one colouring book is RM 6
Summative Exercises : Chapter 1
1. 72 + 4 – 35 ÷ 5
2. 32 + 72 ÷ 9 x 3 – 12
3. 56 ÷ 8 + 6 x 7 – 34
4. 4 x ( 8 ÷ 2 ) – 3 + ( 12 – 8 )
5. 64 ÷ 4 x ( 2 + 6 )
6. ( 36 – 29 ) x ( 12 + 2 x 8 ) ÷ 4
7. 3 ( 8 + 4 – 9 ) + ( 24 ÷ 2 x 3 )
8. 220 – 52 ÷ 4 + 16
9. ( 12 + 6 ÷ 3 ) + 20 x 6 ( 19 – 3 )
10. 2 235 – 3 ( 645 ÷ 5 ) + 100
Problem Solving
1. The cost of 1 kg of anchovies and 1 kg of cuttlefish are RM3 and RM6 respectively. Mrs. Chong bought 4kg of anchovies and 3 kg of cuttlefish. Calculate the amount of money she has to pay.
2. A shopkeeper sold 38 shirts last month. He sold 4 times as many shirts this month compared to the number sold last month. How many shirts did he sell this month?
3. Zain had 37 sweets. After giving some to his two brothers, he had 25 sweets left. If each of his brother received the same number of sweets, how many sweets did each of his brother receive?
End of this Basic whole number tutorial
Monday, September 7, 2009
Fontes de Financiamento
Fontes de Financiamento
Laffit Uires Barbosa
Wagner Fernando G. B. Melo
Levar informações sobre investimentos aos interessados no assunto, de modo a satisfação parcial, diante do processo contínuo de aprendizado
É um tipo de dívida que acarreta a redistribuição de bens financeiros em um determinado tempo entre um devedor e um credor.
Exemplos: Cheque Especial, Cartão de Crédito, Crédito Pessoal, Penhor etc
São títulos de crédito negociáveis que uma companhia faz junto à terceiros e que assegura a seus detentores direito contra a emissora, nas condições descritas na escritura de emissão.
São emitidos com ou sem garantia, conforme descrição nas cláusulas da escritura.
Sua finalidade é promover satisfação econômica junto às necessidades financeiras das sociedades por ação.
Tipos de Debêntures
Debênture Subordinada;
Debênture Quirografária;
Debênture com Garantia Flutuante;
Debênture com Garantia Real;
Debênture com Garantia Fidejussória;
Poder Liberatório;
Compromissos de Proteção – Covenants;
Debêntures com Participação nos lucros;
Debêntures Permutáveis em Ações.
Sãos considerados como os donos
Laffit Uires Barbosa
Wagner Fernando G. B. Melo
Levar informações sobre investimentos aos interessados no assunto, de modo a satisfação parcial, diante do processo contínuo de aprendizado
É um tipo de dívida que acarreta a redistribuição de bens financeiros em um determinado tempo entre um devedor e um credor.
Exemplos: Cheque Especial, Cartão de Crédito, Crédito Pessoal, Penhor etc
São títulos de crédito negociáveis que uma companhia faz junto à terceiros e que assegura a seus detentores direito contra a emissora, nas condições descritas na escritura de emissão.
São emitidos com ou sem garantia, conforme descrição nas cláusulas da escritura.
Sua finalidade é promover satisfação econômica junto às necessidades financeiras das sociedades por ação.
Tipos de Debêntures
Debênture Subordinada;
Debênture Quirografária;
Debênture com Garantia Flutuante;
Debênture com Garantia Real;
Debênture com Garantia Fidejussória;
Poder Liberatório;
Compromissos de Proteção – Covenants;
Debêntures com Participação nos lucros;
Debêntures Permutáveis em Ações.
Sãos considerados como os donos
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A ) Seleccioná la opción correcta : (3 p. )
1 - “ Edipo rey” es una tragedia porque :
( ) El héroe tiene un final desgraciado ( ) El objetivo del autor fue producir catarsis ( ) Tiene párodo ,prólogo ,episodios ,estásimos y éxodo ( ) Edipo desafía la ley divina y es castigado por su soberbia ( ) Ninguna es verdadera ( ) Todas son verdaderas .
2 – Las tragedias se representaban en :
( ) Una plaza en Atenas ,donde estaba el altar del dios Dionisios ( ) Un escenario al aire libre ( ) Una sala con gradas y escenario ( ) Un escenario al aire libre con un teatrón a su alrededor ( ) Ninguna es verdadera ( ) Todas son verdaderas .
3_ La comedia griega tenía :
( ) Personajes comunes, lenguaje popular y tono satírico ( ) Personajes de la esfera pública ( ) Intención moralizante y personajes de alto nivel social ( ) Lenguaje grosero y tono humorìstico ( ) Ninguna es verdadera ( ) Todas son verdaderas .
B ) Completá los espacios en blanco : (4 p. )
---------------,al comienzo de la historia , le cuenta a ---------------los males que sufre la ciudad de ----------y le implora que averigüe la identidad del asesino de ----------------,antiguo rey del lugar.
El hermano de ----------,----------------,es enviado a ---------------para consultar el oráculo de ---------------. A su regreso ,trae consigo a un adivino para que --------------. ---------------------, el vidente , quiere ayudar a Edipo , pero éste lo -----------------de -----------junto con ------------------.
Finalmente , un ------------revela a Edipo la verdad .
C ) Indicá (V) o (F) y justificá las F ( 3p.)
( ) Los actores y actrices utilizaban máscaras y coturnos .
( ) La obra de Sófocles se inscribe en la plenitu del “ siglo de Pericles”
( ) Edipo no consigue escapar de su destino trágico debido a su testarudez.
( ) Los componentes de una tragedia son : error trágico , soberbia , padecimiento del héroe y peripecia.
( ) Las tragedias se usaban para convencer al público .
( ) En el “siglo de Pericles” los atenienses vencieron a los persas
Contact me for more
Thursday, September 3, 2009
maths problems
Answer the following in the Easy math problems
A1 ( ) x 9 = 45
A2 100 − ( ) = 84
A3 982 x 356 x 0 =
A4 1 x 1 =
A5 80 ÷ ( ) = 16
A6 200 000 ÷ 1 000
A7 99 + 99 =
A8 2 300 ÷ 100 =
A9 78 X 1 000
A10 15 X ( ) = 1 500
A11. 300 + 30 + 3 =
A12 999 – 99 – 9 =
A13 500 – ( ) = 250
A14 7000 + 500 + 40 + 9 =
A15 65 ÷ ( ) = 5
A16 11 X 8 =
A17 ( ) X 2 = 72
A18 222 + ( ) = 777
B1 The ______ of 12 and 12 is 144.
B2 The ______ of 72 and 28 is 100.
B3 If a baby was born on 29.02.2008.
When is he going to celebrate his
next birthday?
B4 A quarter of a year =____months.
B6 The _____ of 111 and 55 is 56.
B7 List the first three multiples of 5
B8 3 weeks = ______ days
B10 Which is heavier 1 kg of cotton
wool or 1 kg of iron bar?
B11 List all the prime factors of 33
B12 500 m = _______ km
B15 2.18 kg = 2 kg ___ g
B16 An ________ fraction has a numerator equal to or greater than its denominator
B17 RM 1 500 = ____ pieces RM50
B18 Change 5 3/8 into improper fraction
D1 100 ÷ 2 − 100 ÷ 5 =
D2 25 + 25 x 4 =
D3 96 − 288 ÷ 3 =
D4 11 x 3 + 33 x 1 =
D5 88 + 88 ÷ 4 − 10 =
D6 Julie took 2 hours 35 minutes to make cookies. She started her work at 11.30 a.m. At what time will she finished her work?
D7 Find the sum of all the even numbers that are less than 9.
D8 List out the first two prime numbers that are greater than 30.
D9 List all the factors of 18
E1 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 =
E3 6 halves = _______ thirds
E4 How many legs do 4 cows and 8 chickens have?
E5 Determine whether 8 is a factor of 290.
Answer : YES or NO
E6 5 m = ________ mm
E7 Mike left home on the 4 May at 0530 hours. He came back on the 5 May at 1230 hours. How long did he leave home?
E8 A factory packs 2 000 pens in a box. How many pens are packed in 1 000 boxes?
E9 500 pieces RM100 + 80 pieces
RM 5 + 10 pieces RM1 = RM____
For answers and complete exam file see here
For tests and materials
A1 ( ) x 9 = 45
A2 100 − ( ) = 84
A3 982 x 356 x 0 =
A4 1 x 1 =
A5 80 ÷ ( ) = 16
A6 200 000 ÷ 1 000
A7 99 + 99 =
A8 2 300 ÷ 100 =
A9 78 X 1 000
A10 15 X ( ) = 1 500
A11. 300 + 30 + 3 =
A12 999 – 99 – 9 =
A13 500 – ( ) = 250
A14 7000 + 500 + 40 + 9 =
A15 65 ÷ ( ) = 5
A16 11 X 8 =
A17 ( ) X 2 = 72
A18 222 + ( ) = 777
B1 The ______ of 12 and 12 is 144.
B2 The ______ of 72 and 28 is 100.
B3 If a baby was born on 29.02.2008.
When is he going to celebrate his
next birthday?
B4 A quarter of a year =____months.
B6 The _____ of 111 and 55 is 56.
B7 List the first three multiples of 5
B8 3 weeks = ______ days
B10 Which is heavier 1 kg of cotton
wool or 1 kg of iron bar?
B11 List all the prime factors of 33
B12 500 m = _______ km
B15 2.18 kg = 2 kg ___ g
B16 An ________ fraction has a numerator equal to or greater than its denominator
B17 RM 1 500 = ____ pieces RM50
B18 Change 5 3/8 into improper fraction
D1 100 ÷ 2 − 100 ÷ 5 =
D2 25 + 25 x 4 =
D3 96 − 288 ÷ 3 =
D4 11 x 3 + 33 x 1 =
D5 88 + 88 ÷ 4 − 10 =
D6 Julie took 2 hours 35 minutes to make cookies. She started her work at 11.30 a.m. At what time will she finished her work?
D7 Find the sum of all the even numbers that are less than 9.
D8 List out the first two prime numbers that are greater than 30.
D9 List all the factors of 18
E1 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 =
E3 6 halves = _______ thirds
E4 How many legs do 4 cows and 8 chickens have?
E5 Determine whether 8 is a factor of 290.
Answer : YES or NO
E6 5 m = ________ mm
E7 Mike left home on the 4 May at 0530 hours. He came back on the 5 May at 1230 hours. How long did he leave home?
E8 A factory packs 2 000 pens in a box. How many pens are packed in 1 000 boxes?
E9 500 pieces RM100 + 80 pieces
RM 5 + 10 pieces RM1 = RM____
For answers and complete exam file see here
For tests and materials
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
medium math quizzes
CONFIDENTIAL NAME : __________________________________
Form 1 FORM : __________________________________
Paper 2
1 hour 45 minutes
1. This paper consists of 20 questions. Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided.
2. All workings must be shown clearly. You might lose marks if important steps are not shown.
3. Students are NOT allowed to use calculator.
1. a) Round off 59 904 to the nearest thousands.
1. b) 27 + 9 ( 21 - 9 ) / 6
'2. a) List all the prime factors of 132.
3. b) Chess Club in a school has 62 members.
Each member paid RM4 as annual fees.
of the fees collected was used in a
competition. Find the amount of money left.
4. b) A box of chocolate costs RM 6.75. Janet
bought 23 such boxes and had RM 37
left. How much money did she has at first?
6. a) Mr. Hassan saved RM3 000 into a bank that
offers a simple interest of 4.2 % per annum.
Calculate the simple interest he will receive
after 5 years.
6. b) 40% of 2000 pupils in a school are boys. The
number of boys who wear spectacles is 275.
Find the number of boys who do not wear
7. b) Calculate -15 - (-6) + 7
c) Simplify -17 + [ 16 - (-24)]
8. In an experiment, the temperature of liquid in a
beaker is 27C. The liquid is heated until the
temperature rises by 55C. When some ice is
put into the beaker, the temperature of the liquid
decreases by 48C. What is the new temperature
of the liquid?
9. a) Write the number of terms of the following
9y-4 +5y+7-2y
10. Camelia ’s weight is (2x -5)kg and Maya ’s
weight is (3x - 8) kg. Find the total weight of
Camelia and Maya.
11. a 40 m +38 cm +24 m 57 cm
11. b) Calculate 83.025 kg / 3
Write your answer in kg and g.
12. Chang drove from Bintulu at 0935 and reached
Miri at 1310. Amir left Bintulu at 1050 and
took half an hour more than Chang to reach
Miri. What is the time, in 24-hour system, did
Amir reached Miri?
15. a) The figure below is drawn on grid lines.
Determine the number of symmetry lines
of the figure.
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