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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Assignment on cell , plants and Drosophila

Assignment # 7 Chapter 11

Write the answers on paper.  (10 pts each numbered question)

1.  Give three genes responsible for cell differentiation in plants.  Specify the function(s) of each gene

2.  Describe the following plant cell communications

a)  through cell walls
            b)through receptors or ligands

3.   What is the importance of polar auxin transport in plants?

4.  Describe the roles of the following hormones in plant development (not growth):
a) abscisic acid
             b) gibberellins
             c) brassinosteroids
             d) ethylene
              e) cytokinnins

5.  Describe the mechanism by which the following function in plants:

a) phytochromes
            b) cryptochromes


Assignment 9.  Chapter 15.  Developmental Regulatory Networks 1

10 pts each.
How are nonequivalent cells in early development generated?  What causes it?
What causes asymmetric division in the early C.  elegans embryo? Describe  the roles of each

What causes  the asymmetric division in the embryonic ectoderm of Drosophila?
What are the genes involved  in establishing the segments in Drosophila?  State how they interact with each other.

What are  the roles of homeotic genes in Drosophila.
Describe the cellular interactions in patterning the wing of Drosophila.


Chapter 3.  Amniote development

1.  What is common in development of reptiles, birds and mammals?  (3pts)

      2.  Describe the changes of the ovulated egg as it passes through to each of the following regions of the bird’s reproductive tract:  (12 pts)
a. infundibulum
b. magnum
c. isthmus
d. uterus

3.  What are the layers of the bird blastodiscs? How is hypoblast formed?  (5pts)

4.  What are the adaptations in bird egg which make it adapted for development in terrestrial habitat?   ( 3 pts)

5.  What is delamination?  (3pts)

6.  Compare and contrast the early development of birds and mammals by presenting them  in the tabular form as below: (20 pts)

7.  What are the mammalian adaptations for the fertilized egg to survive in the mother’s body.  (5 pts)


Assignment # 6 Chapter 10.  Reproduction in Plants

Write the answers on a sheet of paper

1.  Where is id (indeterminate) gene in maize expressed?  What is its role in flowering? (5 pts)

2. What are the genes responsible for switching from IM (inflorescence meristem) to floral meristem?  Give the specific function(s) of each. (5 pts)

3. Describe the expression of floral identity genes designated as ABC genes during flower development. 5 pts

4.  Plants alternate between diploid and haploid generations.  What are these generations? 5pts

5.  What do we call the female gametophyte?  Describe its components. 5pts

6.  What is the male gametophyte?  Describe its components. 5pts

7. Differentiate sexual development with apomixis.  What is the disadvantage of apomictic development? 5pts

10.  What are some genes expressed in the embryo for shoot meristem development?  Give the function of each. 5pts

Friday, September 24, 2010

Saving internet bookmarks on Yahoo messenger

Saving  internet bookmarks on yahoo messenger

As  a frequent user of yahoo messenger  I found there is  space in my friends profiles  to save   data    about  24 lines  on Each profile which  sufficient to save   things  like  notes   ,   important  websites I use them  frequenly or  saving info  about them like  work   ,  contact details  , birthdays  etc

I used   yahoo and google  bookmarks      which needs the one to log in to his  gmail or yahoo mail     to access them  ,  while  I found it is much  easier and flexible to have them saved on yahoo messenger   .

So I decided to save all my bookmarks on my  yahoo messenger To do  so    I designated some  of the  contacts for  this  purpose  by adding new contacts      . And to make locating   the  urls  easier   I prefixed certain  repeated letters       like     xxx or ttt or aaa , to the contacts to make  finding them easier  in  contacts  list

To  show  you a    case       how to do this

First   :
In the contacts menu There is  an item
Add Address book contact   As shown below

Between the two Green lines . or you Can use Add contacts  I prefered   adding  an Address book contact since  you have only1000  contacts  in yahoo messenger  and  also  there  would  a person who have yahoo id same   as  the contact     you want to  add which causes embarressments.   So  name   the new Address book   contact as TTT_search_engines

 Second  :
Now we want  add  entries to   the book marks
Since  Additional  menu in the contacts  details   does not have much space      we left it and may use  when other entries are full   and we use it for short stuff 

So  We go to Home  and starts  Adding  adding enties in the home  as shown in the photo below

 As  you see we used  Home address and we added items   like  google  msn ,wikipedia   and which an indian Search engine .

After filling most of the available space we move to   work and fill the   available  space in the company      and work address and after that we move  to notes  which has about  10 lines of space   which i put some of the video tutorials

like   Which i saw them in youtube  and  you can put other notes  in the rest of the lines

As shown here

As    I  you notices you can save  between 20 and 30 internet  bookmarks on yahoo messenger with much ease than  saving them on google   or yahoo bookmarks
I like this   way      because when I,am online and my yahoo messenger   is open there is no need  to go  yahoo  or google and search for bookmarks.

In future versions   I hope that I would be able to save whole paragraphs  on yahoo messenger    maybe  in version 11 there will be more  space for notes and more bookmark  items.

As  you  try  to save  important pics  on flickr  urls  important  English language  websites ,  c++ , java French language  or other things

You can get access to  your website bookmarks either from yahoo messenger or   from yahoo mail    and then go to  contacts  and search for TTT  

I hope that  I  gave you practical  solution  for  saving  internet  bookmarks    better than yahoo and google  and    other social  bookmarking sites


Saturday, August 28, 2010

travel at Disneyland Paris letter

Dear Nilo ,

I am very exciting with your idea of travel at Disneyland Paris, but I have dubs of some details.
Firstly, when do you prefer travel? I don_ any problem with the date.
Secondly, do you want to ask Simone, if she could go? I_ sure that she will really enjoy it and would be cheaper for us.
Finally, I ask you, if we can pay with your credit card because a booking by telephone only is accepted if we pay with credit card.
I wait your answer.
All the best,

Another letter

Dear Andrew,
I really am looking forward from hearing you soon.
Best wishes,

Friday, August 27, 2010


We live in a comfortable house, in a beautiful town or city, but something horrible is happening: the Planet Earth is ill, it is dying of… Pollution and You and I are guilt.                                                                                                                                          What can we do? A lot of things, something essential is begin for our own town: you can promote the recycling of bottles and paper, of this manner, you are going to contribute to produce less rubbish, to refer it, I want to tell you that you must not throw away to river your rubbish, you are going to kill the fishes.                                                                                                                                                           If you need to travel in car, please! Use fuel less lead, if you do not it, you walking or go to in bicycle, you will do an excellent exercise, too. As far as I am concerned, use aerosols which do not injure the ozone layer. You make your town or city a place more pleasure to live, you decide the way.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Evaluation of Course Content of Course Clusters

Evaluation of  Course Content of  Course Clusters

1.  Review the lecture course content of thel isted  subjects assigned to you
2. Determine if each subject  complies the minimum competency standards.
3.  Identify what contents are over and above the minimum requirements.
3.  Look for redundancy or overlap of topics among the clustered  subjects.
4.  Give your evaluation, comments , and suggestions by filling –in Table 1.
5.  Give a  3-minute oral report of your assessment.
6.  Submit the filled –up Table 1 


Bio 50 Gen Biology
Bio 51 Gen Botany
Bio 52 Plant Physiol
Bio 55 Gen Biology

Bio 4  Invertebrates
Bio 34 Systematics
Bio 58 Entomology
Bio 10 Anim  Parasitology

Bio 17  Cell & Mol. Biol
Bio 31 Fund. of Bio 1
Bio32 Fund. of Bio 2
Bio 012 AnimPhysio
Bio 28 Dev.  Biol

Bio 5 Comp Anatomy
Bio 12 Anim Physiol
Bio 11 Anim Histology

Bio 13 Phycology
Bio 14 Planktonology
Bio 33 Plant Morpho
Bio 52 Plant Physiol

Biol 17 Cell & Mol. Biol
Bio 10 Anim Parasitol
Bio 22 Microbiology
Bio 39 Genetics

Bio 6 Gen Ecology
Bio 19 Evolution
Bio 23 Limnology
Bio 28 Dev.  Biol
Bio 39  Genetics

Bio 15  Ichthyology
Bio 21  Aquaculture
Bio 18 Coast Res Mngt
Bio 27 Envi. Science
Ocean 1
Ocean 2

Bio 7  Mar Ecology
Bio 19  Evolution
Bio 35 Fund.  of Marine Biology
Bio 39 Genetics

NS 1 Earth Science
NS2 Biological Science
Bio 16 Gen Biology

*Basis of cluster:  order in the curriculum; Course Program; some similarities or possible overlap of topics
+Basis of assignment: expertise and/or teaching experience in one or two of the clustered subjects

Cluster No.  ____________     
Members:  _______________________
Table 1.  Assessment of lecture topics of each subject and the cluster
(YES or NO)
(Please specify)
(If there are, please specify)
(consider the time, scope and student –centered approach)

Friday, February 12, 2010



Álgebra, 29/Enero/2009

Seleccione, marcando con una X la respuesta correcta:
1.- Sean A, B y C tres conjuntos no disjuntos y no vacíos y sea la
familia de partes:


a) F es un recubrimiento de I .
b) F es una partición de I .
c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.

d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

2.- Se establece en el conjunto de los números reales R dos aplicaciones dadas por:

c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.
d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

3.- Sean A y B dos matrices n-cuadradas. Entonces, la condición
necesaria y suficiente para que dichas matrices conmuten es que:

c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.
d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

4.- Sean A y B dos matrices n-cuadradas. Entonces, la forma canónica
de hermite de dichas matrices es la misma si y solo si:
a) Las matrices A y B son equivalentes.
b) Las matrices A y B son regulares.
c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.
d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.
d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

6.- Sea la aplicación lineal entre dos espacios vectoriales no nulos:

c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.
d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.
d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

c) Las dos anteriores son ciertas.
d) Ninguna de las anteriores es cierta.

1.⎯ Cada cuestión acertada se califica con 0,5 ptos; cada cuestión fallada
se califica con -0,15 puntos y las cuestiones no contestadas tienen
calificación nula.
2.⎯ El tiempo máximo de duración de esta parte del examen es de 1 hora.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

phrasal verb handout

phrasal verb handout \\

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verb from the list

Cut down on/look up / apply for/ take up/ turn down/long for/to keep up with

1-I decided to ………………………………...karate in a special club.
2-I’m really tired , I ………………………………..the next holiday to take a rest.
3-you should ……………………………….junk food , it’s really harmful .
4-If you haven’t understood the meaning of this word, …………………….it………………… the dictionary.
5-I have .............……………..that job , but my request was……………………………….because of lack of qualifications.
6-Every evening , I watch the cnn newsdesk, to …………………………………….the latest world events

Replace the underlined verb by an equivalent phrasal verb

1-I ‘d like you to write down the information in your notebook.
2-If you come for a visit in ouarzazate, I’ will accommodate you .
3-Parents have to educate their children appropriately and correctly.
4-The teacher distributed some work sheets to his students.
5-The match was postponed due to bad weather.
6-The association was established in 2001.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Exorcising rural witchcraft


under the influence of a fortune teller, a peasant woman in Shandong province tried to drive the evil spirits from a tumor on her mother’s back. She hit her mother on the head with a shovel, and the unfortunate woman was killed. In a small town in southern Guangdong province, peasants beat a girl to death because they believed she was possessed by a spirit that was making “the penises of young men grow smaller”.

Superstition is still very much a part of rural life in the People’s Republic of China. Much to the consternation of Peking officials and despite 36 years of Communist rule, occult practices continue to have a powerful influence in far-flung and isolated communities. Now the government is making yet another attempt to exorcise the problem through education and propaganda. “Superstition is a product of backward science and culture”, reads a poster in Peking’s Ditan Park. “There are no ghosts in this world. Ignorance
breeds superstitions”.

Many villagers believe otherwise. Peasants sometimes turn to wupos,
or witches, to cure common illnesses through expensive, and occasionally extreme, measures. A wupo may charge as much as $5, about a week’s earnings for an average peasant, to exorcise evil spirits and may even prescribe death: every year a few people follow such advice and commit ritual suicide to hasten their passage to heaven. Says Liu Anyi, a Peking intellectual, “It’s ironic. Our forefathers invented the printing press, and we have sent satellites into space. Yet many people remain ignorant”.

To “eradicate superstitions and popularise science”, the government last month issued 1,300 copies of a film called “The Tricks of Witch Doctors”. The press, meanwhile, is discrediting the continuing existence of superstition because it hinders the regime’s current modernisation programs. The provincial Guangming Daily recently declared that offering sacrifices to ancestors was a “feudal and patriarchal activity not permitted under the socialist system”.
As a warning to practitioners of the occult arts, the Ditan Park posters offer ‘confessions’ of reformed wupos. The secret, reveals one, “is feeling out the general situation by encouraging the customer to do the talking first, and by making equivocal and scary predictions”.

Economic improvement may be one of Communism’s best weapons against wupos and the demons they hope to exorcise, according to Peking Religion Scholar Ren Jiyu. Says he: “If people’s livelihood is improved and people-to-people relations are established on the basis of mutual concern and affection, there will no longer be the phenomenon of people oppressing and exploiting people”.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


For many entertainers, stage fright is an enemy that only willpower and experience can conquer. But those who are severely afflicted often rely on alcohol or tranquillizes to suppress stage fright’s most severe symptoms, which include extreme nervousness, shortness of breath, a pounding heart and uncontrollably trembling hands.

Now, many entertainers have turned to an alternative. Called propranolol, it is a drug that doctors have prescribed since the 1960s for high blood pressure, heart conditions and migraine headaches. But its success in combatting stage fright has made it extremely popular among musicians. Said one member of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, who asked not to be identified: “If you have a solo performance to play, it can be very helpful”.

Marketed as INDERAL by Ayerst Laboratories of Montreal, propranolol works by preventing adrenalin, which the body produces naturally in frightening situations, from affecting the heart. Musicians say it is popular because it is non-addicting and, unlike either alcohol or tranquillizers, it does not impair judgment or co-ordination. But many are concerned that it could lead to psychological dependence. Declared another Toronto performer who said he uses it only in emergencies: “It is a powerful medicine. Students are beginning to use it, and that is unfortunate”.

Still, propranolol has proved so popular among musicians that its use
is spreading to other professionals who work under heavy stress. Some U.S. doctors have acknowledged using it during public speaking engagements. Said Michael Sole, a cardiologist at Toronto General Hospital who prescribes it legitimately for two surgeons with high blood pressure: “These surgeons have told me they feel more confidant in the operating room during difficult operations, but every drug has a price”.

For those with asthma, that price can include even more severe attacks.And long-term use by healthy people can lead to elevations in blood cholesterol, vivid nightmares and impotence. But most performers who had been occasionally incapacitated by stage fright remain unmoved by the drawbacks. For them, a dose of propranolol can be a professional lifesaver.

Reading Comprehension n. 7

1. Answer the following comprehension questions.
· What is the passage about?…………………………………………………………………………….
· How does stage fright manifest itself in many performers?……………………………………………
· What were the original intended purposes of the drug propranolol?………………………………..
· Why would the quoted speaker in line 10 ask not to be identified?……………………………………..
· What are the supposed advantages of propranolol over the traditional remedies to fight stage fright?

· What are the possible negative side-effects of the extended use of propranolol?……………………..
· What is the implicit warning/criticism in the expression “every drug has its price”? (26)…………….

· Explain the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the passage.
a) balm (title)………………………………………………………………
b) stage fright (1)…………………………………………………………..
c) will-power (1)…………………………………………………………..
d) it is non-addicting (15)………………………………………………….
e) it does not impair judgement (15)…………………………………………
f) psychological dependence (17)…………………………………………
g) its use is spreading (20)…………………………………………………
h) doctors have acknowledged (22)………………………………………..
i) unmoved by the drawbacks (30)…………………………………………
j) a professional lifesaver (31)…………………………………………….

2. What do the following words refer to? 34
that (1)…………………………………………… those (2)……………………………………..
which (3)………………………………………… it (7)…………………………………………..
its (8)…………………………………………….. who (10)………………………………………
which (13)……………………………………….. he (18)…………………………………………
that (19)…………………………………………... me (25)………………………………………..
they (25)………………………………………….. those (27)…………………………………….
them (30)………………………………………….

3. Translate the following linking words as they are used in the text. State the function of each linking word.
· but (2)…………………………………………………………..
· now (6)…………………………………………………………
· if (10)………………………………………………………….
· because (15)…………………………………………………..
· either….or (15)……………………………………………….
· still (20)………………………………………………………..

4. IRREGULAR VERBS …write the infinitive, past simple, past participle and translation of the following verbs.


……………………………………………………………………made (9)……………………………………
…………………………………said (9)………………………………………………………………………..
have (10)………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
begin (19)………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
spread (21)………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………….told (25)……………………………………
feel (25)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
lead (28)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. MODALS ….translate each of the following modal constructions and state what each modal expresses,
e.g., ability, possibility, obligation, advice etc.

· only will-power and experience can conquer (1)………………………………………………………
· it can be very helpful (11)………………………………………………………………………………
· it could lead to psychological dependence (16)………………………………………………………..
· that price can include (27)…………………………………………………………………………….
· use by healthy people can lead to (28)………………………………………………………………..
· propranolol can be a professional lifesaver (31)………………………………………………………

6. “-ING-forms”…..note the use of the following ‘ing-forms’, and decide if they function as adjectives, or nouns
or as present participles with the verb ‘to be’. Translate these phrases.

· a pounding heart (4)……………………………………………………………………………
· uncontrollably trembling hands (5)……………………………………………………………..
· in combatting stage fright (8)…………………………………………………………………….
· it works by preventing adrenalin (13)…………………………………………………………….
· in frightening situations (14)………………………………………………………………………
· from affecting the heart (14)………………………………………………………………………
· it is non-addicting (15)…………………………………………………………………………….
· students are beginning (18)………………………………………………………………………..
· its use is spreading (20)……………………………………………………………………………..
· doctors have acknowledged using it (22)…………………………………………………………..
· public speaking engagements (22)…………………………………………………………………..
· in the operating room (25)……………………………………………………………………………

7. CLOZE ….fill each of the numbered spaces with an appropriate word taken from the box.

although basic around mind same
civilisations to have dating the
axle was surface were undoubtedly

The first invention of human beings was the wheel. ___________________(1) no wheel forms
are found in nature, __________________(2) the earliest ‘wheels’ were smooth logs which
_______________(3) used for moving weights over the earth’s ________________(4). No one
recorded who he or she ______________(5) or when it happened, but when _______________(6)
‘first inventor’ placed a wheel on an _______________(7), people began to roll from one place
_______________(8) another. Records of this type of wheel ________________(9) been found among
Egyptian relics _______________(10) back to 2000 B.C., and earlier Chinese ________________(11)
are credited with an independent invention of the __________________(12) mechanism. The wheel
so fascinated the human _______________(13) that people have spent centuries building machines
_________________(14) it. Yet, in over 40000 years, its _______________(15) design has remained

8. VOCABULARY….fill in the spaces with an appropriate Noun, Verb, Adjective or Adverb.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Romantic love

Romantic love
Romantic love is a matter of intense concern to millions of people in the Western world at some time in their lives and, yet, to most of them it is as inexplicable as a religious experience. Love happens to you, it comes like a bolt from the blue, unbidden and unintended, and it is an area of life which, like your health, you cannot completely control.

Sociology has done little to change this way of thinking about what is, after all, a social phenomenon. Custom and socialization dictate the way in which love, hate and even grief and laughter are expressed, but they also dictate the situations which provoke such emotions, and for how long and how intensely they are to be experienced.

For the individual, however, deeply felt emotions are experienced as uniquely personal events, originating from within, as if in the grip of feelings beyond the realm of ideas or of conscious control. The very idea that social forces, rather than one’s uniquely personal needs and desires, might have shaped the form of one’s love seems like an infringement of personal liberty, an intrusion into that mysterious, private world, the irrational splendor of one’s finer feelings.

With such a mystical aura about it, it is not surprising that in former centuries love was a focus of magical activities. In the Middle Ages, love charms, philtres and aphrodisiacs were the stock in trade of ‘cunning’ men and women whose magical services were much in demand. Love was considered sufficiently important and unpredictable to attract the labours of not only English village wizards but, in the 16th and 17th centuries, also astrologers and even witch-hunters, since practicing witchcraft was a felony punishable by death. Astrologers could expect an incessant stream of servant girls asking about their future husbands, or wanting to know how to handle their current boy-friends, not to mention help in deciding whether to accept a proposal or not.

In a non-magical era, love still retains this elusive, irrational quality, still occupies the women’s magazine astrologer, but more importantly, still absorbs people who would otherwise declare themselves practical and scientific in their out-look, with little time for metaphysics.

Love belongs to public and private worlds: it is big business. Love
is the bread and butter of film scripts, paperbacks and popular newspapers;women’s magazines thrive on it; pop songs improvise on the eternaltheme; television commercials wrap cosmetics and chocolates, hair sprayand deodorants in its all-pervading image. Industry and advertising stalk the customer with love’s honeyed breath. Battered wives persist in violent marriages in the name of it, and the crime of passion still attracts the full force of the media. Love is a force in society; it is not to be ignored.

Reading Comprehension n. 11

1. Answer the following comprehension questions.
a) What is the passage about?…………………………………………………………………………………..
b) What is the author’s attitude towards love?………………………………………………………………….
c) Do most people think of love as a social force?……………………………………………………………..
d) What is the connection between love and commerce?……………………………………………………….
e) How does love feature in the media?…………………………………………………………………………
f) Give at least three spheres of interest, activity or thoughts mentioned in the passage in which
love plays, or has played, an important role.

g) Explain in your own words the meaning of the following words or phrases as used in the text:
· it comes like a bolt from the blue (4)………………………………………………………………….
· an incessant stream of servant girls (26)…………………………………………………………….
· in a non-magical era (30)……………………………………………………………………………..
· in their outlook (33)……………………………………………………………………………………
· the bread and butter (35)………………………………………………………………………………
· thrive on it (36)……………………………………………………………………………………….

2. What do the following words refer to?
their (2) ………………………………… it (3)……………………………………………….
which (5)…………………………………. this (6)……………………………………………..
which (8)………………………………….. they (9)…………………………………………….
which (9)……………………………………. such (9)…………………………………………….
they (10)……………………………………. it (18)……………………………………………
it (18)……………………………………… whose (21)…………………………………………
their (26)…………………………………. this (30)…………………………………………….
who (32)……………………………………. themselves (32)……………………………………
it (34)………………………………………. its (38)……………………………………………….

3. Translate the following linking words and state their function in the text.
· yet (2)………………………………………………………………………………………….
· as… (3)……………………………………………………………………………………..
· after all (7)………………………………………………………………………………………
· however (11)………………………………………………………………………………………
· as if (12)………………………………………………………………………………………..
· rather than (14)……………………………………………………………………………………
· not only…..but also (23)…………………………………………………………………………..
· since (24)………………………………………………………………………………………
· not to mention (28)……………………………………………………………………………….
· whether…..or not (28)………………………………………………………………………………..
· but more importantly (31)…………………………………………………………………………..
· otherwise (32)……………………………………………………………………………………………

4. MODALS…..translate the following modal constructions and state what each modal expresses, e.g. ability,
probability, advice, obligation etc.
a) you cannot completely control (5)……………………………………………………………………..
b) social forces might have shaped (15)………………………………………………………………….
c) astrologers could expect (25)………………………………………………………………………….

5. IRREGULAR VERBS…write the infinitive, past simple, past participle and translation of the following verbs.
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
comes (4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………..done (6)……………………………………………
think (6)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. PASSIVES…….translate the following passive constructions.
a) (which is) unbidden and unintended (4)………………………………………………………….(note the
b) love, hate, grief and laughter are expressed (8)…………………………………………………………………
c) they are to be experienced (10)………………………………………………………………………………..
d) deeply felt emotions are experienced (11)…………………………………………………………………….
e) love was considered (22)……………………………………………………………………………………..
f) it is not to be ignored(41)………………………………………………………………………………………

7. “-ING-forms” …note the following ‘ing-forms’ and decide if they function as Adjectives, or Nouns or as 58
Present Participles with the verb ‘to be’. Translate these phrases.

a) this way of thinking (6)………………………………………………………………………………………
b) originating from within (12)………………………………………………………………………………….
c) in the grip of feelings (12)…………………………………………………………………………………….
d) it is not surprising (18)………………………………………………………………………………………..
e) cunning men and women (21)………………………………………………………………………………..
f) since practising witchcraft (24)………………………………………………………………………………..
g) servant girls asking about (26)……………………………………………………………………………….
h) or wanting to know (27)………………………………………………………………………………………
i) help in deciding (28)………………………………………………………………………………………….
j) its all-pervading image (38)…………………………………………………………………………………..
k) industry and advertising (38)……………………………………………………………………………………

8. ELLIPSIS…..write in the implied pronoun and a form of the verb ‘to be’
a) a bolt from the blue (………………) unbidden and unintended (4)
b) (……………….) originating from within (12)
c) as if (……………………..) in the grip of feelings (12)
d) feelings (……………………..) beyond the realm (13)
e) a felony (………………………..) punishable by death (25)
f) girls (………………….) asking about their husbands or ( ………………..) wanting to know
9. CLOZE……..fill in the numbered spaces with an appropriate word taken from the box.

since Portugal anyone the
officials and that may new

E.U. officials appealed to consumers not to panic as new evidence revealed that the bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or ‘mad cow’ disease, _________________(1) be more widespread
than previously thought. _______________(2) cases of BSE emerged in Spain, Germany ___________(3)
Belgium, as well as in an Italian slaughterhouse ______________(4) supplies McDonald’s restaurants.
Meanwhile, U.S. _____________(5) moved to prevent new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob _______________(6),
the human form of BSE, from entering _____________(7) blood supply. A government panel urged that
________________(8) who has lived or travelled in France, ________________(9) or Ireland
for an extended time ___________(10) 1980 be banned from donating blood.

10. VOCABULARY……fill in the spaces with a NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE or ADVERB

Thursday, January 28, 2010



It is well known that trade in Hong Kong has flourished considerably during recent years, despite problems at home and abroad. While the influx of refugees has brought the government severe problems in housing, education and other fields, it has made available a large number of relatively inexpensive but very hard-working employees. However, the availability of cheap labour has also brought problems which affect the export trade.

Some foreign countries have objected to the unrestricted import of Hong Kong goods, particularly textiles, and have imposed tariff barriers or other restrictions. In a number of importing countries, allegations have been made that Hong Kong manufacturers have been ‘dumping’ goods at unfairly low prices. In some cases, reasonable restrictions have been imposed to protect industries in the importing countries. The cumulative effect has been to curtail exports from Hong Kongto some areas, especially to newly-developing countries trying to develop pioneer industries of their own.

Hong Kong is conveniently near the large potential markets of China, Japan and South East Asia, and trade with these areas has shown a steady improvement. But if Hong Kong is conveniently placed for Asian markets, she is at a disadvantage when trading with Africa, Europe and America. The cost of freight and insurance is another problem which industrialists have to face when they try to increase their exports to distant markets.

Within Hong Kong, a number of factors help the development of trade. The average employee works harder than his counterpart in some other countries, is highly adaptable and technically very skillful. There are highly developed banking, insurance and shipping systems which help the local manufacturer and exporter. These systems have evolved to maintain Hong Kong’s position as a basically tariff-free port, and they are easily able to deal with the complexities of modern trade. Income tax, too, is more favorable than in some of the countries with which Hong Kong must compete in the search for overseas markets. The incentive for worker, manufacturer and overseas investor is higher than in many other parts of the world.

A particular obstacle which local industrialists have to overcome or learn to live with is the shortage of land and the high price which must be paid for suitable manufacturing sites. The Government has carried out a systematic policy of land reclamation but this is an expensive and lengthy process. It cannot be expected to keep pace with the rapid development of industry, particularly when land is urgently needed for housing and other purposes.

Reading Comprehension n. 3 TRADE IN HONG KONG
1. Answer the following comprehension questions.
· What’s the passage about?……………………………………………………………………………
· What are 2 benefits and 2 problems which the flow of refugees has brought to Hong Kong?
· What actions have some countries taken to protect their industries from Hong Kong imports?
· What effect would Hong Kong’s geographical position have on her trade with
a) Indonesia…………………………………………………………………………………………….
b) Germany…………………………………………………………………………………………….
· What 2 problems do exporters in Hong Kong have when trading with distant markets?
· List 3 advantages within Hong Kong that help foreign trade………………………………………..
· What are 2 disadvantages of working in Hong Kong?…………………………………………………
· Explain the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the text.
a) influx of refugees (2)…………………………………………………………………
b) textiles (8)……………………………………………………………………………
c) allegations have been made (9)………………………………………………………
d) dumping (10)…………………………………………………………………………
e) pioneer industries (13)………………………………………………………………
f) have to face (19)…………………………………………………………………….
g) counterpart (22)…………………………………………………………………….
h) have to overcome (31)……………………………………………………………….
i) learn to live with (31)………………………………………………………………..
j) to keep pace (35)………………………………………………………………………

2. What do the following words refer to?
it (1)…………………………………………….. it (4)………………………………………………
their (14)………………………………………. she (17)…………………………………………..
they (19)………………………………………. his (22)………………………………………….
they (26)………………………………………. which (27)………………………………………
this (34)………………………………………… it (34)…………………………………………..

3. Translate the following linking words as they are used in the text. State the function of each linking word,
e.g., to add information, to contrast, time, place, result etc.
· despite (2)……………………………………………………………
· while (2)……………………………………………………………..
· however (5)…………………………………………………………..
· when (19)……………………………………………………………..
· too (27)……………………………………………………………….

3a In paragraph 4, write an appropriate linking word to join the ideas expressed between
sentences 1 and 2………………………………. sentences 4 and 5……………………..
sentences 2 and 3………………………………. sentences 5 and 6……………………..
sentences 3 and 4

4. IRREGULAR VERBS …..write the infinitive, past simple, past participle and translation of the following verbs.
……………………………………………………………..known (1)……………………………………
……………………………………………………………...brought (3)………………………………….
………………………………………………………………made (4)……………………………………
………………………………………………………………been (9)…………………………………….
………………………………………………………………shown (16)………………………………….
……………………………………………………………..overcome (31)……………………………….
…………………………………………………………………paid (32)……………………………………
keep (35)…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. MODALS…..translate the following modal constructions and state what each modal expresses,
e.g., ability, obligation, permission, advice, possibility etc.
· industrialists have to face (19)…………………………………………………………….
· they are able to (26) = can ………………………………………………………………
· Hong Kong must compete (28)…………………………………………………………….
· the high price which must be paid (32)……………………………………………………
· it cannot be expected (34)………………………………………………………………….

6. PASSIVES …..translate the following passive constructions.
· allegations have been made (9)…………………………………………………………..
· restrictions have been imposed (11)……………………………………………………….
· the high price which must be paid (32)…………………………………………………..
· it cannot be expected (34)…………………………………………………………………
· land is urgently needed (35)………………………………………………………………

7. CLOZE…..fill each of the numbered spaces with an appropriate word taken from the box.

needed but has the obstacle
cannot with suitable learn

A particular ______________(1) which local industrialists have to overcome or ___________(2)
to live with is the shortage of land and __________(3) high price which must be paid for
____________(4) manufacturing sites. The government _____________(5) carried out a systematic
policy of land reclamation _____________(6) this is an expensive and lengthy process. It __________(7)
be expected to keep pace _____________(8) the rapid development of industry, particularly when
land is urgently ______________(9) for housing and other projects.


there always an earned but
In not greatest England wrote

Charles Dickens is one of the ______________(1) novelists in the English language.
He _____________(2) about the real world of Victorian ________________(3) and many of his
characters were ______________(4) rich, middle-class ladies and gentlemen, ______________(5)
poor and hungry people. His family lived ___________(6) London. His father was a clerk in
____________(7) office. It was a good job, but he ____________(8) spent more money than he
_______________(9) and he was often in debt. _____________(10) were eight children in the
family, so life was hard.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Conservationists have launched a campaign to save Antarctica, the last
unspoilt wilderness on earth, from the potentially disastrous effects of drilling for oil. An international alliance of more than 30 groups in Britain, the United States, Australia and New Zealand, including Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, plan a campaign of publicity, political lobbying and demonstrations to try to stop any exploitation of the continent.

Fourteen signatories of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, including Britain,
Argentina, the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union, are currently trying to divide up exploration rights at a series of secret meetings. They hope to complete agreement by next year. It is believed that there are very rich oil deposits in the Weddell and Ross seas. Although conditions there are the most hostile on earth, there are no insuperable barriers to extracting the oil. The “club of 14” are drawing up conventions to protect wildlife, but there is no chance that these will satisfy the conservationists who want Antarctica declared a permanent wilderness area. This, they say, is the only certain way to prevent catastrophic damage to its delicate environment from an oil spill.

Despite its intense cold and dark nine-month winter, Antarctica supports an abundant wildlife. Although there are relatively few species, they occur in huge numbers. Its waters support the largest mammal on earth, the blue whale, as well as the threatened fin and humpback whales. Among its seals
are the Weddell seal, unique to the area, and the leopard seal, which eats penguins. The water’s edge teems with birds, including the world’s furthest- travelling migrant, the arctic tern. Antarctica’s bird and mammal life is especially vulnerable to oil damage because it is so dependant on one species – krill, a minute shrimp-like creature which lives in the sea. Because of its position at the bottom of the food chain, any serious damage to krill would threaten birds and larger animals.

As an unspoiled area, Antarctica is also an invaluable base for judging
the effects of pollution elsewhere in the world. Dr R.B. Heywood of the British Antarctic Survey, who has spent 22 years in the region, says: “The area is pristine. If you drive a vehicle over the lichen, the track will be there for hundreds of years because everything is so slow-moving.”

Dr Heywood believes that it is unrealistic to ask for Antarctica to be declared a wilderness area. “But we need firm international agreement that,however the area is to be exploited, it should be done with very careful management schemes”.

Reading Comprehension n. 6 CONSERVATION IN ANTARCTICA

1. Answer the following comprehension questions.
· What is the passage about?…………………………………………………………………………..
· How is the international alliance trying to stop any exploitation of Antarctica?……………………….
· Are there a lot of different varieties of animals and birds living in Antarctica?………………………
· Why is krill important to the survival of wildlife in Antarctica?………………………………………
· Give at least 3 reasons stated in the passage for the importance of Antarctica………………………..

· Translate the following words or phrases respecting their word class as used in the text.
a) have launched (1)………………………………………………….
b) drilling (3)…………………………………………………………
c) demonstrations (6)…………………………………………………
d) exploitation (6)……………………………………………………..
e) signatories (7)………………………………………………………
f) currently (8)………………………………………………………….
g) exploration rights (9)………………………………………………..
h) hostile (11)…………………………………………………………..
i) extracting the oil (12)………………………………………………..
j) drawing up conventions (13)…………………………………………
k) wildlife (13)………………………………………………………….
l) there is no chance (13)……………………………………………….
m) oil spill (16)…………………………………………………………
n) threatened (20)…………………………………………………………
o) teems with birds (22)………………………………………………….
p) The bottom of the food chain (26)……………………………………..

2. Complete the following sentences with the phrase which fits best. Circle the letter A, B, or C. 29
· Conservationists want to save Antarctica because
a) oil companies have already caused enough damage there.
b) they want to exploit it for their own purposes.
c) they fear that oil companies might cause future damage.
· The policy of the “club of 14” towards conservation in Antarctica is
a) to sign a formal agreement on the matter.
b) to promise not to have an oil spill.
c) to work in harmony with the conservationists.
· Antarctica’s wildlife is at risk because
a) it is so cold and dark there.
b) there are so few species.
c) krill is its only source of food
· Wildlife in Antarctica
a) is composed of many different kinds of animals.
b) is small in number but large in variety.
c) is large in number but small in variety
· Dr Heywood
a) wants an international agreement to exploit Antarctica.
b) wants Antarctica designated as a wilderness area.
c) accepts oil exploration only if there are controls to protect the environment.

3. What do the following words refer to?
they (9)………………………………………… it (10)……………………………………………
there (11)………………………………………. these (14)……………………………………….
this (15)………………………………………… its (16)…………………………………………..
they (18)……………………………………….. it (24)…………………………………………….
which (25)……………………………………… its (26)……………………………………………
it (33)…………………………………………… it (35)……………………………………………

4. Translate the following linking words as they are used in the text. State the function of each linking word,
e.g., to add information, to contrast, concession, result, reason etc.
· although (11)…………………………………………………………………
· despite (17)…………………………………………………………………..
· as well as (20)……………………………………………………………….
· because (24)………………………………………………………………….
· because of (25)………………………………………………………………
· however (35)…………………………………………………………………

4(a) In paragraph 3, choose an appropriate linking word to join the ideas expressed between 30
sentences 1 and 2 …………………………. sentences 2 and 3……………………
sentences 3 and 4………………………….. sentences 4 and 5……………………
sentences 5 and 6………………………….. sentences 6 and 7...............

5. CLOZE ….fill each of the numbered spaces with an appropriate word taken from the box.

torture relate dictator the abuses after not court
charges extradition ruled detractors request under

Britain’s highest _______________(1) has ruled that former Chilean ______________(2) General
Augusto Pinochet is ____________(3) entitled to blanket immunity from prosecution for human rights
______________(4). By a 6 – 1 vote, a House of Lords tribunal _______________(5) that Pinochet can be
prosecuted for three of the 32 ________________(6) contained in a Spanish arrest warrant seeking his
_________________(7) from the U.K. These three charges ______________(8) to alleged torture and
conspiracy to torture committed _____________(9) 1988, when Britain signed an international
_____________(10) convention which made it a crime ______________(11) British law to commit
torture anywhere. The Law Lords recommended that the British Government reconsider whether to
proceed with the extradition _______________(12) in light of ______________(13) diminished charges.
Pinochet supporters and _________________(14) both claimed the ruling was a victory.

Earth try of and
The for than save

Conservationists have launched a campaign to _________________(1) Antarctica, the last
unspoilt wilderness on _________________(2), from the potentially disastrous effects of drilling
________________(3) oil. An international alliance of more ______________(4) 30 groups in Britain,
the United States, Australia ________________(5) New Zealand, including Friends of ____________(6)
Earth and Greenpeace, plan a campaign ______________(7) publicity, political lobbying and demonstrations
to _________________(8) to stop any exploitation of the continent.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


More than 3,500 miles from Moscow, between the Arctic Circle and Mongolia,lies Siberia, a frozen land more than ten times the size of Italy but with only halfa million inhabitants. There the temperature can fall as low as seventy degrees centigrade below zero. The intense cold makes life immensely difficult and dangerous for anyone unaccustomed to it.

But Siberia is not a permanently frozen waste. Though parts of the region are colder than the North Pole itself, the temperature in summer may reach 40°C.When this happens, the topsoil thaws to a depth of about two meters and can support rich vegetation, though none of the trees grows to any great height as the roots have to spread sideways. The summer days are so long that the earth stores enough heat to bear a variety of flowers which blossom between the trees. It is almost impossible for anyone to enter the forests during this season because of the clouds of insects, especially mosquitoes.

A deep, permanently frozen layer of earth has acted as a natural refrigerator for millions of years, and the bodies of prehistoric animals are sometimes dug up and eaten by the wild dogs. In 1901, an expedition went to search for the remains of a prehistoric mammoth, reported to have been found in the area. The men found the mammoth frozen into the side of a mountain. Part of the head had been exposed by a fall of frozen rock, and bears and wolves had managed to tear off some of the flesh. Most of the frozen mammoth was in excellent condition, complete with flesh, skin and a thick covering of coarse hairs. The men were able to study the prehistoric food found on the creature’s tongue and teeth and in its stomach. Eventually the whole body was excavated and taken away for preservation and study.

It may be, too, that there are still living dinosaurs to be found. Far up in the mountains is the Lake of Labankur. No one has ever had the courage to take a boat out on it. Some time ago, a group of men made an expedition to examine it. They pushed in a reindeer, forced it to swim out towards the centre of the lake and saw it disappear abruptly. Then they sent a dog, which was also swallowed up. Suddenly a black monster emerged from the still waters of the lake, blew threateningly and
plunged back into the depths.

Reading Comprehension n.

1. Answer the following comprehension questions.
· Why is Siberia so sparsely populated?………………………………………………………………………
· Why do the roots of the trees spread sideways instead of going down

into the soil?

· What difficulties does one face when entering the forests during a)

the summer, b) the winter?
· How did wolves manage to get at the head of the mammoth?

· Explain why the mammoth’s flesh had not decomposed…………………………………………………
· What was the purpose of the experiments with the reindeer and the


· Why was it necessary for the author to insert the word ‘natural’

before ‘refrigerator’ in line 14?
· What evidence, if any, is there in the text concerning the existence

of dinosaurs in Siberia?

· Explain the meaning of the following words as they are used in the

a) unaccustomed (5)…………………………………………………………
b) support (9)……………………………………………………………….
c) rich (9)………………………………………………………………….
d) prehistoric (17)…………………………………………………………..
e) flesh (20)………………………………………………………………..
f) coarse (21)………………………………………………………………
g) abruptly (29)……………………………………………………………
h) swallowed up (29)……………………………………………………..
i) threateningly (30)………………………………………………………

2. What do the following words refer to?
there (5)………………………………………….. it (5)………………………………………….
itself (7)…………………………………………… which (11)…………………………………..
it (12)……………………………………………… this (12)………………………………………
its (22)……………………………………………. it (25)………………………………………..
it (27)………………………………………………. they (27)………………………………………
it (28)……………………………………………… which (29)…………………………………….

3. Translate the following linking words as they are used in the text.

State the function of each linking word,
e.g., to add information, to contrast, concession, reason etc.
· though (6)…………………………………………………………………………..
· when (8)……………………………………………………………………………
· because of (13)…………………………………………………………………….
· eventually (23)………………………………………………………………………
· too (25)……………………………………………………………………………..
· then (29)……………………………………………………………………………

4. MODALS …..translate each of the following modal constructions and

state what each modal expresses,
e.g., ability, possibility, obligation, permission, advice etc.
· the temperature can fall (3)…………………………………………………………………
· the temperature in summer may reach 40° (7)……………………………………………….
· the topsoil can support rich vegetation (8)……………………………………………………
· the roots have to spread sideways (10)………………………………………………………..
· ** bears and wolves had managed to tear off (19)……………………………………………..
· **the men were able to study (21)………………………………………………………………
· it may be (25)…………………………………………………………………………………..

5. IRREGULAR VERBS….write the infinitive, past simple, past participle

and translation of the following verbs.
lie (2)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
fall (3)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
make (4)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………frozen (6)…………………………………………
grow (9)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
spread (10)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
bear (11)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
……………………………………………………………………….dug (15)…………………………………….
……………………………………………………………………..eaten (16)…………………………………
………………………………………………………………………found (17)…………………………………
tear (19)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
swim (28)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………….taken (23)…………………………………
……………………………..saw (28)…………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………….sent (29)…………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………….blew (30)……………………………………………………………………………

6. PASSIVES ….translate the following passive constructions.
· animals are sometimes dug up and eaten (15)………………………………………………………………
· a mammoth (which was) reported to have been found (17)

· the head had been exposed (18)………………………………………………………………………………
· the body was excavated and taken away (23)………………………………………………………………..
· there are living dinosaurs to be found (25)

· a dog, which was also swallowed up (29)……………………………………………………………………

7. CLOZE ….fill each of the numbered spaces with an appropriate word

taken from the box.

warning predict severe prepare obsolete
percentage late lower eyewitness characteristic

Modern weather technology can detect strong winds and rain, which are

of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. In the past, an _______________

(2) radar system was used
to predict such storms. Under this old system, warnings often depended

on ________________(3) reports.
These reports gave people only about three minutes to ________________

(4) for the tornado. Today, more
than 100 new detection centres are in place in the United States. By

the ________________(5) 1990’s,
a total of 152 systems will be working throughout the country. In the

past, many ______________(6)
thunderstorms and tornadoes struck without ________________(7). Weather

forecasters could not
__________________(8) all of them. In fact, they did not predict 33

percent of all the storms. As a result
of the new technology, this __________________(9) has decreased to 13

percent. When all the new systems
are in place, this percentage will be even _________________(10).

7(a) CLOZE 2

by the it to decisions
will that maintain citizens shown

With the rejection of the Euro, Denmark has _______________(1) the true

value of democracy.
Its ______________(2) decided via a referendum that they preferred to

________________(3) their own
currency rather than adopt _______________(4) of the European Union.

Their vote _____________(5)
influence the long-awaited _______________(6) of Britain and Sweden and

contribute ______________(7)
reduced confidence in a number of Euro countries. _______________(8)

will also show all participating
nations _______________(9) value of a true referendum ________________

(10) the people, as opposed
to the decisions made by a bunch of international politicians.

8. VOCABULARY…fill in the spaces with an appropriate Noun, Verb,

Adjective and Adverb.