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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sample research paper

In this sample research paper we examined how to teach children in alaska how to fish using manaq instead regular of fishing by real and rod and reel

The article contain introduction steps conclusion


I live in Chevak, a small village on the west coast of Alaska. Most of the fishing that is done in Chevak is with using what we call “manaq’s”. I would like to introduce to the children how fishing can be done with a rod and reel. I am sure that not all of the children have seen an actual rod and reel because the people in Chevak usually use the traditional manaq’s made at home by their parents or older siblings. I would also like for the children to experience actual manaqing at a nearby slough with the permission of their parents.

Step One- What the children already know.
My objectives in this project are to teach the children about manaqing vs. rod and reel fishing. I want them to be able to see that both tools are used for the same thing, which is to catch fish. Now in order to find out what they know about fishing I would ask them during out circle time what they know. I would also read two books to them, one would be about ice fishing in Greenland, and the other would be about fishing with a rod and reel. I want the children to be involved with authentic tasks by doing activities such as making miniature manaq’s, fishing for plastic fish in the water play area, drawing pictures, using props, or dolls with warm clothing in the dramatic play area, and to go on a well planned fishing outing to a nearby slough for the children to experience what it actually feels like to catch a tom cod or smelt. This would take place in the winter time, when the ice is safe to be on.
By using these activities the children may pose questions such as:
How does a manaq look compared to a rod and reel?
What do you need when you fish with a manaq or a rod and reel?
What kinds of fish can you catch in Chevak with a manaq?
What kinds of fish are caught with a rod and reel?
What do they know about the sizes of the fish that they know about?
Which fish is bigger or smaller?
What is it like to experience actual manaqing?

Step Two: What the Children Need to Know
By using the questions above I will get a better idea of how to put each activity together for the week. I know that most of the children already know how a manaq looks, but not all of them. I would also know that most of the children may not have seen an actual rod and reel or fishing tackle. Activities such as using construction paper with pre-cut warm clothing, and magazines with food and other things, and the children can also make miniature manaq’s can be added to the curriculum. Parent volunteers can bring their fish into the classroom for the children to compare and contrast.

Step Three: How I Plan to Use The Information Gathered for the Children
I could bring an actual manaq and a rod and reel to the classroom to let the children see the differences in each fishing tool, and also include asking questions about what is needed on a fishing trip. Fishing tackle without the hooks at the end would be included for this in order for the children to see what they look like. Using constructions paper, I would cut out small hats, coats, boots, snow pants, mittens, and have the children cut out pictures of food, fish and whatever else that they think they should bring on a fishing trip. I would then ask parent volunteers who have recently gone fishing to bring their catch to our Head Start to show the children the different fish caught with a manaq. I would bring pictures of salmon and halibut for the rod and reel fish that are caught because these would be the fish that I chose to focus on. This would give the children the opportunity to compare and contrast the fish. We would also measure the fish with a ruler, put the measurements on a large construction paper with the name of the fish next to the measurement. The children will make miniature manaq’s using string, yarn, tongue suppressors, and cut out a fish from construction paper to put at the end of a string. At the end of the week, with the parents permission and enough volunteers, the children would go out on a fishing trip using manaq’s, but only if there is enough volunteers to accompany us!

By observing the children during the activities, I will be able to see how much they know about manaqing vs. rod and reel fishing. I can document their reactions and replies that they have made from the activities that they have done. I will be able to see how well they can recall the difference between the two kinds of fishing tools. The children will be able to see the actual manaq compared to the rod and reel. I will ask them how they are different. I can also document their reactions when they get to see actual tom cods, devil fish, and flat fish. Other fish will be brought into the classroom if available, such as pike or lush fish. If salmon or halibut are not available, I can bring pictures of them into the classroom. They will compare and contrast them, which I can document, or put into my notes. When they make their “play” fishing manaq’s, I can see how well the students can use scissors, trace a fish, tie the yarn, and also see how well they can put the fish at the end of the yarn. During each activity I can write notes of how the children interacted, what they said, how they did a certain project, etc. This way, I can look back and write observation notes for the children whom I took notes on and I can put them into their NLCA “Northern Lights Child Assessment” as well as use them to discuss to the parents during parent/teacher conferences about their child and be able to give examples about what they have learned. During all these activities I would take pictures of what the children are doing in each activity. After a couple of weeks, a picture book will be set out in the classroom for all the children and parents to see. We can also look through these pictures to see what we have accomplished during our circle time and to see how well the children recall what we did!

Day 1:
Ask the children questions about what kind of fishing they know about. I will also read the two books, which are “Tobias Goes Ice Fishing” and “Gone Fishing”. This will show the children about how people from different places catch their fish, as well as what kinds of fish are caught, and illustrations of the fish.
Day 2:
Bring the rod and reel to class along with fishing tackle. Use construction paper with pre-cut warm clothing and magazines with food among other things to cut out and glue onto the paper.
Day 3:
Ask parents to bring fish into the classroom and show the children pictures of the fish that are not available.
Day 4:
Make miniature manaq’s and take the children out on a fishing trip, with the parents permission.

Conclusion and Summary:
I have not done this project in the classroom, but strongly believe that it can be part of the curriculum at our Head Start! Using Piaget’s three kinds of knowledge was practiced in this curriculum.
The logico-mathematical knowledge was obtained when they compared and contrasted the manaq vs. the rod and reel. The children also got to measure the fish and see the differences in their appearances. They also practiced this measure of knowledge by making the miniature manaq’s.
The social knowledge was obtained when the children got to see an actual manaq and an actual rod and reel. Now they will know what each one is and what they are called. They also learned the names of the fish that are caught, such as tom cods, devil fish, smelt, salmon, halibut, etc. Parents were also invited to volunteer in the classroom and on our fishing trip. With each activity the children got to interact with each other, with other children, and with the parents who would have volunteered. A picture book would have been included a couple of weeks later to have the children parents and volunteers to recall what they learned and accomplished!
The physical knowledge was obtained by the children getting to see the fish that the parents would bring into the classroom. During our fishing trip, the children would also get to see first hand on how a fish looks while fishing with a manaq.

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